About the Program
The Certificate in Contractual Dispute Resolution, a blended learning programme is designed to prepare participants with the foundational knowledge and skills to understand and effectively manage contractual agreements. The course assists in developing the skills to identify and avoid the basic problems / issues which may lead to the dispute in the contract and provides the skills to resolve disputes, if arise, through various methods. With a focus on both theory and practice, the curriculum explores a range of topics, including the legal framework of contract management, dispute resolution and best practices. The programme will be pursued in such a manner as to encourage the managerial perspective of contract management and dispute resolution process.
Aim and Objective of the Program
According to various estimates, 20% to 30% of GDP of India is used for Public Procurement. A large portion of this expenditure is utilised for contracts in infrastructure sector. Though an understanding of the contractual responsibilities of a contract should reduce the potential for disputes to arise during the life of a contract, disputes and disagreements still occur.
Therefore, to avoid any minor or major misunderstanding and disputes, it is imperative that contract and project professionals have thorough understanding of contract interpretation, arbitration and conciliation laws, dispute resolution methods, acceptance and implementation of arbitration etc.
The aim of the programme is to impart required knowledge and skills to understand the contracts interpretation and contract management, common disputes in the contracts and methods of alternate dispute resolution.
Program Structure
Module I |
Module II |
Indian Contract Act and other relevant laws | Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods |
Types of Contracts and major clauses | Legal Framework of Domestic Arbitration |
Type of Claims and Common Disputes in Contracts | International Commercial Arbitration |
Understanding Best Practices in Bidding and Contract Management so as to avoid disputes | Best Practices in Arbitration Law and Procedures |
Who can Benefit
- Government and PSU officials dealing in Contract Management
- Contractors and suppliers handling projects/contracts
- Contract managers
- Legal and other professionals dealing with legal matters of the project/contracts
Graduate in any discipline from a university recognised by UGC. Working experience of 2-3 years is desirable
Key Features
- Certification from premier institute like AIMA with technical support from the World Bank
- Focused Course Structure to address specialised needs
- Blended Learning Environment
- Benefit from strong AIMA industry connect and networking
Contact Details
Program Manager – Procurement Programs
Centre for Management Education
All India Management Association
15 link Road, Lajpat Nagar - III, New Delhi: 110024
Mobile: +91-8800893848
Duration and Syllabus Structure
The Programme is divided into 2 modules, the first module focuses upon the knowledge and skills required for effective contract management and the second module of the programme deals with required knowledge set for dispute resolution including arbitration and reconciliation.
Program Structure
Module I |
Module II |
Indian Contract Act and other relevant laws | Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods |
Types of Contracts and major clauses | Legal Framework of Domestic Arbitration |
Type of Claims and Common Disputes in Contracts | International Commercial Arbitration |
Understanding Best Practices in Bidding and Contract Management so as to avoid disputes | Best Practices in Arbitration Law and Procedures |
Fee Structure
Course fee - Rs 30,000/- plus GST (18%) - Total fee (inclusive of all taxes) - Rs. 35,400/- for Indian participants.
USD 450 (inclusive of taxes) for the overseas participants.