Projects Details of Project Submission for AIMA PG Courses

Project work is the best way to practice what you have learnt. The purpose of including Project report in the Post Graduate Diploma Programmes is to provide you an opportunity to investigate a problem by applying management concepts in a scientific manner. It enables you to apply your conceptual knowledge in a practical situation and to learn the art of conducting a study in a systematic way and presenting its findings in a coherent report.

Topic Selection

Selection of topic for the Project is extremely crucial. The topic chosen by you should be realistic, specific and one where related information is easily accessible. It must be related to your area of specialisation and should be something that interests you.

Synopsis Format

  • Working Title
  • Purpose
  • Aim
  • Objectives
  • Hypothesis (or key questions)
  • Outline of methodology
  • Proposed

Project Submission

Once the synopsis has been approved by AIMA-CME, the project to be submitted should be along the following lines:

  • Title Page
  • List of Contents
  • List of Tables
  • List of Figures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Preface
  • Text (Main body of Dissertation)
  • Appendices
  • Bibliography

It is important to note that the Project must NOT be a mere description of an economic activity. It must address a well defined problem and seek to establish causal relationships, preferably through statistical analysis. The Project must seek to answer a specific question(s). The dependent variables and independent variables must be clearly specified and the relationship between dependent and independent variables should be examined. The focus should be on ANALYSIS and not description. Management concepts must invariably be used in the analysis contained in the Project.

The VIVA may be conducted for Project Work for students who have taken admissions in January 2010 onwards

Synopsis and Projects Reports are to be submitted by the students directly to AIMA alongwith complete correspondence address, E-mail address and contact number.

Project Submission Date

Project report can be submitted any time within 18 months of beginning of the module of which project work is a part of the course curriculum. After that Re-registration would be required.

Only One copy of Project has to be submitted at AIMA with approved copy of Synopsis and other details as per guidelines. Kindly ensure that the student has retained one copy of Project Report with him/ her as well for reference purpose.

Note :

  • It takes 6-8 weeks in evaluation of Synopsis/ Project Report
  • The Project is equivalent to two papers
